Overwhelmingly Blessed


It’s a lovely time of the year. There’s so much around us. The eyes can feast on the fall leaves. Our mouths can water up on apple cider and doughnuts and so much more. All around us in farm country, folks are hauling in the harvest, which is many times over what they planted. This should be a time of gratitude and thanksgiving.

We should be coming together, celebrating. Thankful from an appreciation of who we are surrounded by and who is missing which sobers us to treasure who and what we have.

I’m grateful for so much since I have so much. What would it be like if it was all gone and those I love missing from my life? I would still find I have a lot to be thankful about.

So here at the end of October going into November make a list: 1, 2, 3….. of what you’re thankful for. Is it easy or do you find irritating complaints bubbling up through your blessings.
Such as being grateful for the nation we live in. A republic like no other that dilutes power through three branches so we can be free through slow changes of law. Or for your church? I’m a Free Methodist. I’m thankful to be part of a protestant denomination where our founder was kicked out while wanting to remain in his church. I love his faithfulness to God’s promises and his promises to God. I’m also blessed beyond my expectations by my family. My wife and her side of my family, daughters and son, my parents and siblings. The wider family that starts before Chester and Pauline McGeorge and Wilber and Waneta Morrison and extends to nieces and nephews, granddaughters and grandsons, cousins, and my precious aunts and uncles. When I consider them individually I feel overwhelmingly blessed.

I see regularly people who count their griefs and name them one by one. They are blessed but… The reasons that modify their gratitude are like Legions demons coming out from the man in Gerasene. Yes we have concerns and worries. They are legitimate too. What I’m addressing here is their ability to cloud out a truly grateful heart.

So count your blessings.

You see I never got to all the other people who make my life blessed. The list is endless. I find the more I look for them the more there are to be found. I think I’m getting ready for Thanksgiving Day to be my every day.

Hey, what about you?