Adult Life Enrichment Classes meet every Sunday before morning worship.

There are two separate classes, the Builders class which meets in the Fellowship Room and the B.A.S.H. (Bible and Study Hour) class which meets in Room 101.

Builders Class

Primary Focus

This class is dedicated to building and developing a deep personal relationship with God through Bible study and shared spiritual support.

About the Class

We live in a world of uncertainty, fear, dishonesty, greed, and hate. If we really want to know the truth, we have one place to go! The more intimately we understand His Word, experience His love, comprehend more of who He is and how He is at work in our lives, the more humble, unselfish, and like Jesus we will become.

When our hearts are pure and our minds renewed, it is possible to have a faith that makes the supernatural world seem like it is right next door.  If faith is the unqualified assent of the mind to the truths of God, and you truly believe, do you then live out these truths in your life?  A holy faith will make us better than our reputations.  It will go beyond the Ten Commandments into the Sermon on the Mount.

The Christian life is one of grace through faith operating from end to end.

By faith, you have been set free from sin and have become a doer of the Word and obedient to righteousness.

As we meet together, study together, and share our struggles with each other, it helps us grow in our faith and provide encouragement for one another.

You are welcome to come and join the Builder’s class Sunday mornings at 9:30.

On Sunday, April 28, we are starting a new series of Bible studies entitled THE WAYS OF GOD. We will be using Bible Scriptures and referencing the acclaimed book The Ways Of God, by Richard Blackaby. Have you ever expected God to act one way only to witness Him do something entirely different? God never makes mistakes, but we often carry incorrect expectations. He clearly states His ways are wholly contrary to the ways of the world. When you understand God’s ways, you will recognize Him at work all around you. When you do things God’s way, you’ll be swept up into His eternal purposes and experience the truth that God’s ways are always best.

We would love to have you come and join us. Plus free coffee and goodies!

B.A.S.H. (Bible and Study Hour) Class

Primary Focus

This class is committed to exploring the Word.

About the Class

We explore selected Scriptures and examine their meaning and how they apply to us living spirit-led lives in today’s world. The Bible is God’s word to the Jews written mostly by the Jews and, as westerners, we sometimes may miss the full meaning of the scripture.

Therefore, we often refer to other translations and look at the hidden meanings of passages as they were written in their original language.

    • In December 2023 we started a new study quarter. We are examining the “Parables of Jesus” found in Luke. In the spring quarter starting March of 2024 we will be looking at the teachings from  First and Second Corinthians. We use materials from “The Foundry Publishing” and consider other sources for relevant material.