Ties That Bind meets on Wednesday mornings at 9:30am in Room 103 at Green Oak Free Methodist Church, except  in January, July, or around holidays.

Our mission is to pray for those facing difficult situations and/or those celebrating special events and give them a tangible reminder of God’s love and our prayers.

Lap-size quilts are sewn and placed on the altar during Sunday morning worship. Anyone present is welcome to tie the ties on the quilt and pray for the recipient. Other items are also made and given to those in need.

• We make lap-size quilts for persons facing difficult situations, such as illness, hospitalization, surgery, bereavement or other challenges and pray for the quilt recipient. The majority of quilt recipients do not attend our church, but are friends or family of church attendees.

• Quilts are also made to welcome new members to our church or say farewell to those relocating and are made in honor of special events such as births, graduations, weddings, retirement, major milestone birthdays and anniversaries. We have frequently given a quilt to special speakers.

• We make other items to give to missionaries, orphanages and other organizations. Examples are pillowcase dresses, Days for Girls kits (which contain reusable personal hygiene products for girls and women in impoverished situations in the USA and around the world) and baby quilts for local organizations that support the choice of life.

• We have classes to learn sewing skills and to learn to use a sewing machine. Participants have made potholders, placemats, pillows, small bags and pillowcase dresses. Anyone 4th grade or older is welcome to attend the classes, which are free except for a small materials fee for some projects. Future classes will be announced on the church calendar. They are usually held during the summer but can be on Saturday if requested.

• Quilts are made by request (request form available in the church Narthex) and each one is designed especially for the recipient, using their favorite colors or themed fabrics reflecting their interests, such as hobbies, sports, military service, occupation, etc.

• A large cross is placed on the back along with the recipient’s name, date quilt was tied, and the name of our ministry and church. Scriptures are often added to the quilt.

• On a detachable tag there is an explanation about the ties with a contact number so the recipient can call for additional assistance.

• The quilts are held together by heavy crochet thread or yarn. The threads are not tied until the quilt is prayed over during a church service.

To be a part of this ministry does not require sewing skills. Ironing, cutting, sorting fabrics and helping to design are some of the non-sewing tasks needed in the process of making a quilt. We also welcome those who would like to learn to make quilts.
Much of the sewing is done during the meetings, but members also sew at home as needed.
If you want to join this ministry, please come to any scheduled sewing meeting. Meetings are listed on the monthly calendar and in each weekly bulletin.

Our ministry accepts donations of thread, fabric, working portable sewing machines and other sewing/quilting related items.